In the north of Senegal, south of the old capital Saint-Louis, a primary school was built in 2007 in the village of Tougoupeul, in the Senegalese Sahel. The association, “vzw Tougoupeul” was named after the village. Previously, in this area, the children were not able to go to school and following the opening of the school, agreements were made and the teachers are paid by the government. The vzw Tougoupeul facilitate the curricula which follows the “International Plan of the United Nations”. Today, more than 100 students are enrolled and textbooks, notebooks and all other material are provided. A daily lunch for the children is also served as this still appears to be the best motivation for the parents to send the children to school. In 2020, the last two classrooms were built, and today there are six classrooms, a toilet block with a water pump, a storage room and sleeping accommodation for the teachers. Solar panels also provide the electricity for the school